For the furtherance of this visionary aim of NDMC, Quality Council of India shall
be providing strategic guidance and assistance to principals and teachers and other
stakeholders and shall be doing impact analysis of teaching effectiveness for quality
assurance in the field of “school education” by way of improving the quality of
schools on certain pertinent domains.
NDMC and QCI agree to partner in co-operation to foster excellence in school education
sector. This project is being executed in 47 schools of NDMC and Navyug Education
Project will unfold itself in phases. The phases are named as:
1. Pre-Intervention Phase
2. Intervention Phase
3. Post Intervention
In the first pre-intervention phase, learning outcomes of students studying in 5th,
6th, 7th and 8th classes will be assessed. While assessment of learning outcomes,
the focus will be to assess the knowledge, understanding and application level thinking
skills. Based on performance of students in tests in curricular arears, root cause
analysis will be done and plan of action will be evolved for improving the level
of performance of students.
Further, instructional strategy of teachers teaching in classes 5th, 6th, 7th and
8th will be studied based on pertinent domains like pedagogical process, subject
expertise, lesson planning, assessment for learning, understanding, classroom-management,
ICT integration in teaching-learning process, communication skills and socio-emotional
climate of classroom. Based on performance of teachers on these domains, teacher
specific plan of action will be developed for making desired change and modification.
At intervention phase, teachers will have to work on suggested plan of action and
QCI will conduct continuous follow-up during the intervention phase.
For studying the impact of intervention on performance of students in school subjects
and instructional strategy of teachers, at last post-intervention phase, baseline
data, mid-term data and post-intervention data concerning achievement of students
in curricular areas will be analysed and further improvement in performance of teachers
will be compared.